Brandon Toney Brandon Toney

Starting My Blog

Hello there and welcome to my blog! Although I do spend a lot of my time creating art, I decided to create a blog as sometimes there are things I'd like to share in writing. Having a blog wasn't something I thought I'd ever do as it kind of seemed a bit boring, but now that I've had my site for a while now, I think writing may actually be a great way to spruce it up. I’ll try to update it often, perhaps every few months or so. I figured since my website here on Weebly is new, its the perfect time to start one!

Hello there and welcome to my blog! Although I do spend a lot of my time creating art, I decided to create a blog as sometimes there are things I'd like to share in writing. Having a blog wasn't something I thought I'd ever do as it kind of seemed a bit boring, but now that I've had my site for a while now, I think writing may actually be a great way to spruce it up. I’ll try to update it often, perhaps every few months or so. I figured since my website here on Weebly is new, its the perfect time to start one!

So as far as the content I’m going to cover, it’ll mostly be about art, other creative things and my thoughts on various topics. I’m sure there’s going to be a whole lot more I’d like to cover as I begin to think on other things to include as well as research on other bloggers to see how they approach it. I think its neat to have an online journal of sorts that me as well as my audience can look at it for advice, perhaps inspiration and other helpful things to improve in whatever area in life that needs improving.

In any event, have fun reading!

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