Inktober 2020
I really enjoyed getting to work on Inktober last year and this year since I’m working remote rather than in office, I figured since I have the time, why not try doing a full marathon? As if 2020 wasn’t crazy enough…Inktober this year turned out to be a bit more than I bargained for…
My plan for tackling Inktober was to take it day by day and do the whole challenge. I started off pretty good, but after around the 5th or 6th prompt I started to run out of ideas and rather than continue onwards, I wanted to complete each prompt. As you can imagine, that pretty much threw me off track and I spent most of Inktober trying to catch up to the current prompt of the day. It was stressful to say the least and after a while I did manage to catch up, but when I hit prompt 25 (out of 31) I pretty much hit my limit and decided to call it done.
On retrospect looking back at it, I actually think it did some good.
The main thing it taught me was that the point of Inktober isn’t necessarily to do the whole challenge, but rather it’s to push yourself into being consistent by doing art on a daily basis. On that regard I think I exceeded my expectations because of how determined I was throughout it. Although there were 6 prompts I didn’t do, I might go back to finish them one day.